Tuesday 5 March 2013

Can the grid handle distributed renewable energy?

This is an interesting article I came across today; highlighting future problems with the increasing development of renewable energy in America. The adaptations for the growth in this sector is not yet in a position to be able to cope with increased production and subsequent distribution.

Can the grid handle distributed renewable energy? | Midwest Energy News

However this article describes how the situation in California has been exaggerated.

Chicken Little and the "Crisis" of Grid Reliability

The article focuses on how Germany produces renewable electricity with much success:

"It’s not magic — it’s actually pretty logical and straightforward. And the benefit Germany gets is tremendous: a high proportion of 100 percent clean electricity with solid reliability."

Much can be learnt from how Germany has developed within this sector. Both these articles provide insight in to the issues that can arise from increased use of renewable energy technologies. 

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