Friday 8 February 2013

A short introduction

The aim of this blog is to allow for a broad exploration of the many different aspects of energy and power production; potentially proving that to move away from the use of coal and nuclear in production will have many more beneficial effects than their continued use, with supply being even more scarce in years to come.

I aim to focus around solar energy, wind energy and hydroelectric power in the production of future electricity on a global scale and see if it really is feasable to increasingly adopt these alternate methods of electricity production.

The following video from Richard Branson was brought to my attention and I think it highlights how we as a nation and globally need to reconsider how we can continue to live the lives that we lead. It focuses mainly upon climate change as a whole and it is this aspect of energy resources that I want to revolve my blog around; seeing as it is so topical in the current World climate.

Richard Branson - Climate Change

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