Wednesday 20 February 2013

Local Weather Patterns created by Wind Farms

In the news recently there has been a focus on the evidence provided by Porté-Agel on how wind farms can create individually localised changes in weather patterns. Both the Guardian and share the same views on the research article, published in December 2012; that the new research may impact on planning consent and developers designs.

With the extra draughts experienced from the accumulation of many turbines in one area, the way heat and moisture is lost from the land can be altered. This is caused by the updraft and downdraft of turbines that often superimpose when they are positioned in neat rows (Ravilious, 2013). As Ravilious (2013) summarises, the main effects are not always negative but include crops wilting as the land drys out and the distribution of species living beneath the turbines being altered. The positive effects can be seen in Iowa where wind turbines cool the airm in the summer which helps crops growing under the turbines thrive (Ravilious, 2013).

With this new development companies in the wind energy industry will have to take this new research into consideration when planning for wind farms. As Peixe (2013) states this new research could increase opposition to wind farms. I agree with Peixe's opinion as with this research in addition to the other concerns involving the placement of wind turbines, such as endangering birds and causing an eyesore, views against farm construction by residents of local areas and also councils could most certainly increase. Although it will  not yet be the strongest cause for opposition as it is currently not so well known. 

Diagram to show Porté-Agel's work 
Fernando Porté-Agel has been researching the effects of turbulent flows surrounding the construction of wind farms for some time. His 2011 article had a more broad focus on general turbulent flows, whereas the 2012 article was specifically aimed at these flows and the effect that is had on the atmosphere and weather conditions.

Peixe, J. (2013) Do Wind Farms Change Local Weather Patterns?, [online] Available at: [Accessed 19 Febrary 2013]

Ravilious, K. (2013) Weatherwatch: Wind turbines impact on balance and distribution of species. The Guardian,  [online]17 February. Available at: [Accessed 19 Febrary 2013]

Wu, Y. and Porté-Agel, F. (2012) Atmospheric Turbulence Effects on Wind-Turbine Wakes: An LES Study, Energies, 5(12) pp.5340-5362.

Chamorrow, L. and Porté-Agel, F. (2011) Turbulent Flow Inside and Above a Wind Farm: A Wind-Tunnel Study, Energies, 4(11),  pp.1916-1936

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